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Side Control Linear Stages 860-0058

Side Control Linear Stages 860-0058

Side control linear translation stages are equipped with micrometer screws and provide convenient control in limited space setups.

from 377 $
delivery Estimated delivery time: 5 - 6 days
Code A, mm B, mm L, mm T, mm Weight, kg Description Price Delivery Add to cart
i 860-0058-10 31 46 79 67-77 0.18 kg left hand version 377 $ Request
860-0058-11 31 46 79 67-77 0.18 kg right hand version 377 $ 5 - 6 weeks
860-0058-20 34 51 86 74-94 0.23 kg left hand version 394 $ Request
860-0058-21 34 51 86 74-94 0.23 kg right hand version 405 $ Request
Model  860-0058-10  860-0058-20 
Travel range, mm 10  20 
Sensitivity,  μm  1 
Tracking accuracy, μm  2 
Reading accuracy, μm   5 (1/2 division)
Load capacity:
           horizontal, kg
           vertical, kg

Weight, kg  0.18  0.23 

Base Plate 810-0250
  Angle Bracket 810-0150
Side Control Linear Stages 860-0058 Brochure
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  • 10, 20 mm travel ranges
  • Side Control Linear Stage
  • Driving Micrometer screw
  • Precise ball bearings
  • Compact XYZ configuration with all screws from one side
  • Right and left hand versions

Side control linear translation stages 860-0058 are equipped with 870-0040 series micrometer screws and provide convenient control in limited space setups. Both left-hand (860-0058-10, 860-0058-20) and right-hand (860-0058-11; 860-0058-21) versions are available. These stages can be used in multi-axis combinations and are compatible with 860-0060 series stages. In dense optical schemes with limited access to multi-axis stages you have a possibility to control all three axes from one side.