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F-Theta Lens for 532 nm

F-Theta Lens for 532 nm

F-Theta Lens for second harmonic (532 nm) of Nd:YAG laser.

506 $
delivery Estimated delivery time: 4 - 5 days
Qty discount: 5-9 pcs. of the same item - 5% OFF! 10+ pcs. 10% OFF!
Wavelength - 532 nm; Lens Diameter - 90 mm
Code Focus length Working distance Max. scan area Max. scan angle Input beam diameter Price Delivery Add to cart
150-1002 100 mm 114 mm 70x70 mm2 ±28° 12 mm 506 $ 4 - 5 days
i 150-1602 160 mm 180 mm 110x110 mm2 ±28° 12 mm 506 $ 4 - 5 days
Screw size: M85x1; Best mirror place m1/m2: 16/16 mm
EKSMA Optics F-Theta Lenses
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  • Designed for 532 nm wavelength
  • 1064 nm and 355 nm are available
  • Lens diameter - 90 mm

The F-Theta Lens is designed to provide a flat field on the image plane for scanning and engraving applications where a high power laser and set of rotating mirrors are used to scan across a given field.