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Natural Calcite Glan Laser Polarizing Prisms

Natural Calcite Glan Laser Polarizing Prisms

Glan laser polarizers are useful in applications requiring high degree of polarization purity, high total transmission and low, medium or high power requirements.

from 557 $
delivery Estimated delivery time: 4 - 5 days
Qty discount: 5-9 pcs. of the same item - 5% OFF! 10+ pcs. 10% OFF!
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Unmounted Natural Calcite Glan Laser Prisms
Code Standard dimensions A x B Price Delivery Add to cart
440-2010 10 x 10 mm 627 $ Request
440-2012 12 x 12 mm 759 $ 4 - 5 days
440-2014 14 x 14 mm 1043 $ Request
440-2020 20 x 20 mm 2508 $ Request
Mounted Natural Calcite Glan Laser Prisms
Code Standard dimensions A x B Price Delivery Add to cart
440-2010-M2Ps 10 x 10 mm 693 $ Request
440-2012-M2Ps 12 x 12 mm 825 $ Request
440-2014-M2Ps 14 x 14 mm 1109 $ Request
440-2020-M2P 20 x 20 mm 2574 $ Request
Mounted Natural Calcite Glan Laser Prisms (Non-Standard Cylindrical Mount)
Code Standard dimensions A x B Price Delivery Add to cart
i 440-2010-CM 10 x 10 mm 557 $ 4 - 5 days
 Material Naturale calcite 
 Surface quality
40-20 scratch & dig (MIL-PRF-13830B)
 Wavefront distortion λ/4 at 633 nm
 Beam deviation <3 arcmin
 Wavelength range 350-2100 nm 
 Extinction ratio 1:100 000
Laser Damage Threshold >5 J/cm2, 10 ns pulses at 1064 nm, 100 Hz


EKSMA Optics Glan Laser Polarizing Prisms
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  • Transmit linearly polarized extraordinary beam without deviation from its initial direction
  • Reflect ordinary ray out of the prism into either the black glass or the escape port
  • Air-spaced prisms
  • Available with two, one or no escape ports in mounts for extra power capacity         

Glan laser polarizers are manufactured from the finest optical grade natural calcite. They are useful in applications requiring high degree of polarization purity, high total transmission and low, medium or high power requirements.    


M2P mounts can be used with Polarizer Holder 840-0180, Adjustable Polarizer Holder of Side Drive 840-0195, Kinematic Beamsplitter Mount 840-0020.

M2Ps mounts can be used with Polarizer Holder 840-0180, Kinematic Beamsplitter Mount 840-0020.