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Beta Barium Borate – BBO Crystals

Beta Barium Borate – BBO Crystals

Beta Barium Borate - BBO is a nonlinear optical crystal with combination of a number of unique features: wide transparency region, broad phase-matching range, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold.

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Application: SHG@800 nm, Type 1
Code W H L θ φ Coating Mounted Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-600H 6 6 0.05 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm on UVFS substrate 10*10*2 mm Yes 1043 $ Request
BBO-601H 6 6 0.1 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm Yes 556 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-602H 6 6 0.2 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm Yes 556 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-603H 6 6 0.5 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm Yes 484 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-604H 6 6 1 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm Yes 429 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-605H 6 6 2 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm Yes 396 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1000H 10 10 0.05 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm on UVFS substrate 12*12*2 mm Yes 1221 $ Request
BBO-1001H 10 10 0.1 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm Yes 924 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1002H 10 10 0.2 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm Yes 924 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1003H 10 10 0.5 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm Yes 902 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1004H 10 10 1 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm Yes 875 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1005H 10 10 2 29.2 90 P/P@400-800 nm Yes 935 $ 4 - 5 days
Application: THG@800 nm, Type 1
Code W H L θ φ Coating Mounted Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-606H 6 6 0.01 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm on UVFS substrate 10*10*2 mm Yes 1122 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-607H 6 6 0.02 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm on UVFS substrate 10*10*2 mm Yes 1122 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-608H 6 6 0.05 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm on UVFS substrate 10*10*2 mm Yes 1043 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-609H 6 6 0.1 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm Yes 556 $ Request
BBO-610H 6 6 0.2 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm Yes 556 $ Request
BBO-611H 6 6 0.5 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm Yes 484 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-612H 6 6 1 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm Yes 429 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1006H 10 10 0.01 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm on UVFS substrate 12*12*2 mm Yes 1293 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1007H 10 10 0.02 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm on UVFS substrate 12*12*2 mm Yes 1293 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1008H 10 10 0.05 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm on UVFS substrate 12*12*2 mm Yes 1221 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1009H 10 10 0.1 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm Yes 941 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1010H 10 10 0.2 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm Yes 941 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1011H 10 10 0.5 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm Yes 935 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1012H 10 10 1 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 nm Yes 924 $ 4 - 5 days
Application: SHG@1030 nm, Type 1
Code W H L θ φ Coating Mounted Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-651H 6 6 0.5 23.4 90 AR/AR@515+1030 nm Yes 545 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-652H 6 6 1 23.4 90 AR/AR@515+1030 nm Yes 473 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-653H 6 6 1.5 23.4 90 AR/AR@515+1030 nm Yes 523 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-654H 6 6 2 23.4 90 AR/AR@515+1030 nm Yes 528 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-655H 6 6 3 23.4 90 AR/AR@515+1030 nm Yes 594 $ 4 - 5 days
THG BBO Crystals, Type 1
Code W H L θ φ Coating Mounted Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-631H 6 6 0.15 32.5 90 P/P@515-1030/343 nm Yes 798 $ Request
BBO-632H 6 6 0.25 32.5 90 P/P@515-1030/343 nm Yes 732 $ Request
BBO-633H 6 6 0.4 32.5 90 P/P@515-1030/343 nm Yes 666 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-634H 6 6 0.55 32.5 90 P/P@515-1030/343 nm Yes 594 $ Request
4HG BBO Crystals, Type 1
Code W H L θ φ Coating Mounted Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-641H 6 6 0.1 50 90 P/P@515/257 nm Yes 660 $ Request
BBO-642H 6 6 0.15 50 90 P/P@515/257 nm Yes 627 $ Request
BBO-643H 6 6 0.2 50 90 P/P@515/257 nm Yes 605 $ Request
BBO-644H 6 6 0.3 50 90 P/P@515/257 nm Yes 589 $ Request
Application: 4HG@1064 nm, Type 1
Code W H L θ φ Coating Mounted Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-700 7 7 6 47.6 90 P/P@532/266 nm No 1018 $ 4 - 5 days
Non-Standard SHG, THG, SFG, DFG, OPG, OPA, OPO applications
Type 1 phase matching
Type 2 phase matching
Code W H L θ φ Coating Mounted Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-662-280H 6 6 2 28 0 P/P800-2400 nm Yes 512 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-662-320H 6 6 2 32 0 P/P400-700 nm Yes 512 $ 4 - 5 days
H in the code indicates that crystal is mounted in the open ring holder.


Flatness λ/8 @ 633 nm
Parallelism < 20 arcsec
Perpendicularity < 5 arcmin
Angle tolerance < 30 arcmin
Aperture tolerance ± 0.1 mm
Surface quality 10/5 scratch & dig per MIL-O-13830A
Clear aperture 90% of full aperture



Chemical formula BaB2O4
Crystal structure trigonal, 3m
Optical symmetry Negative Uniaxial (no>ne)
Space group R3c
Density 3.85 g/cm3
Mohs hardness 5
Optical homogeneity ∂n = 10-6 cm-1
Transparency region at “0” transmittance level 189 – 3500 nm
Linear absorption coefficient at 1064 nm < 0.1% cm-1
Refractive indices no                 ne
          at 1064 nm
          at 532 nm
          at 355 nm
          at 266 nm
          at 213 nm
1.6551         1.5426
1.6750         1.5555
1.7055         1.5775
1.7571         1.6139
1.8465         1.6742
Sellmeier equations (λ, μm)

no2 = 2.7366122 + 0.0185720 / (λ2 – 0.0178746)
– 0.0143756 λ2
ne2 = 2.3698703 + 0.0128445 / (λ2 – 0.0153064)
– 0.0029129 λ2

Phase matching range Type 1 SHG  410 – 3300 nm
Phase matching range Type 2 SHG 530 – 3300 nm
Walk-off angle 55.9 mrad (Type 1 SHG 1064 nm)
Angular acceptance 1.2 mrad × cm (Type 1 SHG 1064 nm)
Thermal acceptance 70 K × cm (Type 1 SHG 1064 nm)
Nonlinearity coefficients d22 = ± 2.2 pm/V
d15 = d31 = ± 0.08 pm/V
Effective nonlinearity expressions dooe = d31 sinθ – d22 cosθ sin3φ
deoe = doee = d22 cos2θ cos3φ
Thermal expansion coefficient α11 = 4 × 10-6K-1
α33 = 36 × 10-6K-1
Damage threshold for TEM00 1064 nm > 0.5 GW/cm2 at 10 ns
~ 50 GW/cm2 at 1 ps
EKSMA Optics BBO Crystals
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Beta Barium Borate (BBO) is a nonlinear optical crystal with a combination of unique features:


  • Wide transparency region
  • Broad phase-matching range
  • Large nonlinear coefficient
  • High damage threshold
  • Wide thermal acceptance bandwidth
  • High optical homogeneity

As a result of its excellent properties BBO crystal has a number of advantages for different applications, like NOPA with fsec pulses, harmonics generation (up to fifth) of Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF lasers, frequency doubling or tripling of femtosecond Ti:Sapphire and dye lasers, OPO at Type 1 and Type 2 phase-matching, E/O switching for Pockels cells and many other.


We offer:

  • BBO crystals with aperture up to 25×25 mm, length up to 25 mm
  • Thin BBO crystals down to 5 µm thick
  • AR, BBAR, P-coatings
  • BBO with gold electrodes for electro-optical (e/o) applications
  • Different mounting and repolishing services


Most of our standard crystals come mounted into open ring holders. Please note the letter "H" in the product code which indicates that crystal is supplied mounted.


Publication on refractive indices of BBO crystal:
