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Thin BBO Crystals for THG of Ti:Sapphire Laser Wavelength

Thin BBO Crystals for THG of Ti:Sapphire Laser Wavelength

Selection of nonlinear BBO crystals cut and coated for third harmonic generation (THG) of Ti:Sapphire laser wavelength.

from 429 $
delivery Estimated delivery time: 4 - 5 days
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BBO Crystals, Thickness = 0.01 mm, Optically contacted
Code Aperture Thickness θ φ Coating Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-606H 6x6 mm, UVFS support 10x10x2 mm 0.01 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 1122 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1006H 10x10 mm, UVFS support 12x12x2 mm 0.01 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 1293 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO Crystals, Thickness = 0.02 mm
Code Aperture Thickness θ φ Coating Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-607H 6x6 mm, UVFS support 10x10x2 mm 0.02 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 1122 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1007H 10x10 mm, UVFS support 12x12x2 mm 0.02 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 1293 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO Crystals, Thickness = 0.05 mm
Code Aperture Thickness θ φ Coating Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-608H 6x6 mm, UVFS support 10x10x2 mm 0.05 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 1043 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1008H 10x10 mm, UVFS support 12x12x2 mm 0.05 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 1221 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO Crystals, Thickness = 0.1 mm
Code Aperture Thickness θ φ Coating Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-609H 6x6 mm 0.1 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 556 $ Request
BBO-1009H 10x10 mm 0.1 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 941 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO Crystals, Thickness = 0.2 mm
Code Aperture Thickness θ φ Coating Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-610H 6x6 mm 0.2 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 556 $ Request
BBO-1010H 10x10 mm 0.2 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 941 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO Crystals, Thickness = 0.5 mm
Code Aperture Thickness θ φ Coating Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-611H 6x6 mm 0.5 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 484 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1011H 10x10 mm 0.5 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 935 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO Crystals, Thickness = 1 mm
Code Aperture Thickness θ φ Coating Price Delivery Add to cart
BBO-612H 6x6 mm 1 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 429 $ 4 - 5 days
BBO-1012H 10x10 mm 1 mm 44.3 90 P/P@400-800/266 924 $ 4 - 5 days



λ/8 @ 633 nm


< 20 arcsec


< 5 arcmin

Angle tolerance

< 30 arcmin

Aperture tolerance

± 0.1 mm

Surface quality

10-5 scratch & dig (MIL-PRF-13830B)

Clear aperture

>90% of full aperture

Laser damage threshold

>0.5 J/cm2, 133 fsec pulse, 800 nm typical, 50 Hz

EKSMA OPTICS recommends BBO crystals of the following thickness depending on application and fundamental wavelength pulse duration, assuming it is spectrum limited Gausian pulse:


Application Pulse duration, fs Thickness, mm
Type 1, THG@800 nm, θ=44.3°, φ=90° 10 0.01
Type 1, THG@800 nm, θ=44.3°, φ=90° 20 0.02
Type 1, THG@800 nm, θ=44.3°, φ=90° 50 0.05
Type 1, THG@800 nm, θ=44.3°, φ=90° 100 0.1
Type 1, THG@800 nm, θ=44.3°, φ=90° 200 0.2
EKSMA Optics Femtoline BBO Crystals for Ti:Sapphire Frequency Conversion
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Free Standing BBO Crystals

Crystals down to 100 µm thickness can be manufactured as free standing crystals (not attached to any kind of support). However, ring mounts are highly recommended for safe handling of these thin crystals. Minimum aperture of free standing BBO is 5x5 mm, maximum aperture is 22x22 mm. The tolerance is ±50 µm for crystals of thickness down to 300 µm and ±20 µm for crystals of thickness down to 100 µm.

Optically Contacted Crystals

BBO crystals less than 100 µm thickness can be supplied optically contacted on UV Fused Silica substrate sizes 10x10x1 mm or 12x12x2 mm. Other sizes of substrates are also available on request. Minimum aperture of optically contacted BBO is 5x5 mm, maximum aperture is 10x10 mm. The tolerance of crystal thickness is +10/-5 microns.

Protective Coatings for BBO Crystals

P-protective coating - is a single or two layer antireflection coating made at specified wavelength range. Typical reflection values are R<2% in the mid range, R<4% at the edges. P coating is highly recommended for ultrashort pulse applications and features low dispersion and very high laser damage threshold.