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Translation & Rotation Stages
Manual translators for linear or angular translation of an optical component.
The linear flexure translation stages provide ultra smooth translation for optical assemblies and other components. These stages guarantee linearity of motion over the whole travel range.
This tilt/rotation stage provides two independent tilt adjustments within ±5° range and ±5° in-plane rotation adjustment. Precision screws provide 9 arcsec resolution in rotation and both tilt planes.
Mini Rotation Stage provides smooth, low friction 360° rotation. A micrometer driving screw renders resolution of 1'. A clear aperture of Ø15 mm allows attachment of lenses and filters directly in front of the stage.
Micro Rotation Stage is a compact 360° rotation platform. Using a fine screw it’s possible to rotate platform precisely. It is produced from black anodized aluminium.
We offer this fine rotary stage with a micrometer screw. Fine motion range is 15° with resolution of 1 arcmin. Precision rotary stage has an aperture M30×1 with a clear aperture of 25 mm.
Vacuum Compatible Precision Rotary Stage has a M30x1 diameter platform insert and two 25 mm (1 Inch) retaining rings. The platform has mounting holes M6, M4.
2 inch Aperture Rotation Stage allows full 360° coarse rotation by hand. You may lock coarse adjustment and make a fine adjustment over a range of 10° using the micrometer.
The main advantage of this precise rotation stage is that it has very compact dimensions and low-profile together with the great aperture in the middle. This rotation stage has two modifications with different apertures: M27x1 or 30 mm.
The main advantage of this precise rotation stage is that it has very compact dimensions and low-profile together with the great aperture in the middle.
The Rotation Stage of Big Platform is used to manually rotate large optical components through continuous 360° with accuracy of 1°, and to adjust them finely within 10° by a micrometer, with accuracy of 0.5 arcmin.
Rotary stage of Big Platform is used to rotate manually large optical and other components through continuous 360° with accuracy of 1°, and finely to adjust them within 10° by a micrometer, with accuracy of 0.5 arcmin.
Advantages of Rotation Stage regarding the analogues of other manufacturers is the existence of an Ø11 mm aperture in the center of the rotation stage, very compact dimensions 46x65 mm and high precision.
Compact, high precision, rotation about virtual point, 15 mm virtual point height, with a reading resolution of 0.1° (vernier scale), made of black anodized aluminium.
Fiber Coupling Stage of flexure compact block design with high-resolution micrometers ensures long-termed stability and good stiffness together with smooth motion without the severe limitations of stiction and friction.