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Variable Attenuator for Femtosecond and Nd:YAG Laser Pulses 990-0073

Variable Attenuator for Femtosecond and Nd:YAG Laser Pulses 990-0073

Variable attenuator / beamsplitter is made of kinematic mount with polarizer holder, equipped with thin film Brewster type polarizer and quartz half waveplate.

from 1617 $
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Laser damage threshold
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For Nd:YAG Laser Applications
Code Wavelength Laser damage threshold Price Delivery Add to cart
990-0073-355 355 nm 5 J/cm², 10 ns pulses, 10 Hz, 1064 nm 1639 $ Request
990-0073-532 532 nm 5 J/cm², 10 ns pulses, 10 Hz, 1064 nm 1617 $ Request
990-0073-1064 1064 nm 5 J/cm², 10 ns pulses, 10 Hz, 1064 nm 1700 $ Request
For Femtosecond Laser Pulses
Code Wavelength Laser damage threshold Price Delivery Add to cart
990-0073-266 266 nm > 10 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 1892 $ Request
990-0073-343 343 nm > 10 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 1749 $ Request
990-0073-400 400 nm > 10 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 1727 $ Request
990-0073-515 515 nm > 10 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 1727 $ Request
990-0073-800 800 nm > 10 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 1749 $ Request
990-0073-800B 780-820 nm > 10 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 2002 $ Request
990-0073-1030 1030 nm > 10 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 1810 $ Request
990-0073-1030B 1010-1050 nm > 10 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 2112 $ Request
For High Power Femtosecond Applications
Code Wavelength Laser damage threshold Price Delivery Add to cart
990-0073-266H 266 nm > 100 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 2002 $ Request
990-0073-343H 343 nm > 100 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 1859 $ Request
990-0073-400H 400 nm > 100 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 1837 $ Request
990-0073-515H 515 nm > 100 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 1837 $ Request
990-0073-800H 800 nm > 100 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 1859 $ Request
990-0073-800HB 780-820 nm > 100 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 2112 $ Request
990-0073-1030H 1030 nm > 100 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 1920 $ Request
990-0073-1030HB 1010-1050 nm > 100 mJ/cm², 50 fs pulse, 800 nm 2222 $ Request
Clear aperture diameter 36 mm
Damage threshold  
For Nd:YAG applications >5 J/cm2, 10 ns at, 10 Hz 1064 nm, typical
For femtosecond applications >10 mJ/cm2, 50 fs at 800 nm, typical
For high power applications >100 mJ/cm2, 50 fs at 800 nm, typical
Polarization contrast >1:200
Transmitted beam shift ~1.4 mm
Weight 0.6 kg
EKSMA Optics Variable Attenuator for Femtosecond and Nd:YAG Laser Pulses
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  • Divides laser beam into  two beams of manually adjustable intensity ratio separated by 68° angle
  • Large dynamic range
  • Transmitted beam shift ~1.4 mm
  • High optical damage threshold


This variable attenuator/beamsplitter consists of UV FS Thin Film Brewster Type Polarizer diameter 76.2 mm, which reflect s-polarized light while transmitting p-polarized light, that is housed into Beamsplitter Mount 840-0056-13 and a quartz Zero Order (optically contacted) Half Waveplate diameter 40 mm (for femtosecond pulses), Zero Order Air-Spaced Half Waveplate (for high power applications) or Multi Order Half waveplate (for Nd:YAG laser pulses)  is housed in rotating Polarizer Holder 840-0180-A2, placed in the incident linearly polarized laser beam.


The intensity ratio of those two separated and different polarized beams may be continuously varied without alteration of other beam parameters by rotating the waveplate. The intensity of either exit beam, or their intensity ratio, can be controlled over a wide dynamic range. P-polarization could be selected for maximum transmission, or high-purity s-polarization could be reflected when maximum attenuation of the transmitted beam takes place.


840-0056-13 Kinematic Mount allows to adjust angle of incidence (AOI) of the thin film Brewster type polarizers by ±4.5° and to get the maximum extinction contrast. The mounts are on one base plate.


The optical axis height is 58.5 mm from the table top.