Name | Yb:KGW | Yb:KYW |
Yb3+ concentration | 0.5-5% | 0.5-100% |
manoclinic | manoclinic | |
Lattice parameters | a=8.095Å, b=10.43Å, c=7.588Å, β=94.43° |
a=8.05Å, b=10.35Å, c=7.54Å, β=94° |
Thermal expansion | αa=4X10-6 /°C,αb=3.6X10-6 /°C, αc=8.5X10-6 /°C |
- |
Thermal conductivity | Ka=2.6 W/mK, Kb=3.8 W/mK, Kc=3.4 W/mK, |
- |
Density | 7.25 g/cm3 | 6.61 g/cm3 |
Mohs' hardness | 4-5 | 4-5 |
Melting temperature | 1075 °C | - |
Transmission range | 0.35-5.5 μm | 0.35-5.5 μm |
Refractive indices (λ=1.06 μm) | ng=2.037, np=1.986, nm=2.033 |
- |
Thermo-optic coefficients @ 1064 nm | dnp/dT=-15.7 x 10-6 K-1 dnm/dT=-11.8 x 10-6 K-1 dng/dT=-17.3 x 10-6 K-1 |
For 20% Yb:KYW dnp/dT=-13.08 x 10-6 K-1 dnm/dT=-7.61 x 10-6 K-1 dng/dT=-11.83 x 10-6 K-1 |
Laser wavelength | 1023-1060 nm | 1025-1058 nm |
Fluorescence lifetime | 0.3 ms | 0.3 ms |
Stimulated emission cross section (E| |a) |
2.6X10-20 cm2 | 3X10-20 cm2 |
Absorbtion peak and bandwidth |
αa=26 cm-1, λ=981 μm, Δλ=3.7 nm |
αa=26 cm-1, λ=981μm, Δλ=3.7 nm |
Absorbtion cross section | 1.2X10-19 cm2 | 1.33X10-19 cm2 |
Lasing threshold | 35 mW | 70 mW |
Stark levels energy (in cm-1) of the 2F5/2 manifolds of Yb3+ @ 77K |
10682, 10471, 10188 | 10695, 10476, 10187 |
Stark levels energy (in cm-1) of the 2F7/2 manifolds of Yb3+ @ 77K |
535, 385, 163, 0 | 568, 407, 168, 0 |
EKSMA Optics Yb:KGW and Yb:KYW Crystals
97.5 kB |
Yb-Doped Potassium Gadolinium Tungstate (Yb:KGd(WO4)2) and Yb-doped Potassium Itrium Tungstate (Yb:KY(WO4)2) single crystals are the laser crystals for diode or laser pumped solid-state laser applications.
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