KGW Physical and Optical Properties
Crystal symmetry | Monoclinic, C2/c |
Transmission range | 0.35-5.5 µm |
Density | 7.27 g/cm3 |
Hardness Mohs | 4-5 |
Refractive indices @ 1064 nm | ng = 2.061; np = 1.982; nm = 2.010 |
Raman shift |
901 cm-1 (p[mm]p) |
Raman gain, pump 1064 nm |
3.3 cm/GW (901 cm-1) |
Thermal conductivity, W/mK | Ka = 2.6; Kb = 3.8; Kc = 3.4 |
Thermo-optic coefficients @ 1064 nm | dnp/dT=-15.7 x 10-6 K-1 dnm/dT=-11.8 x 10-6 K-1 dng/dT=-17.3 x 10-6 K-1 |
Optical Damage threshold | > 10 GW/cm2 |
KGW Physical and Optical Properties
Surface quality | 40/20 scr/dig | 10/5 scr/dig |
Flatness | λ/4 @ 633 nm | λ/8 @ 633 nm |
Maximum elements dimensions | 10x10x100 mm | 10x10x80 mm |
Stokes generation wavelengths in KGW crystal with oscillation coefficient 901.5 cm-1 and Ba(NO3)2 crystal are given in the table below.
Stokes |
KGW pumped at |
Ba(NO3)2 pumped at |
Efficiency, % |
532 nm | 1064 nm | 532 nm | 1064 nm | ||
1 Stoke | 558 | 1177 | 563 | 1197 | 35-70 |
2 Stoke | 588 | 1316 | 598 | 1369 | 20-40 |
3 Stoke | 621 | 1494 | 638 | 1599 | 10-15 |
4 Stoke | 658 | 1726 | 684 | 1924 | < 10 |
1 Antistoke | 507 | 970 | 503 | 957 | 10-30 |
EKSMA Optics Crystals for Stimulated Raman Scattering
115.45 kB |
EKSMA OPTICS offers crystalline materials - Barium Nitrate - Ba(NO3)2 and undoped potassium gadolinium tungstate KGd(WO4)2 or KGW which have attracted much interest as most suitable crystals for stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). These materials can be used for frequency conversion in lasers for extending of tuning range. SRS in crystals is compatible with current all-solid-state technology and provides a very simple, compact means of frequency conversion.
Thermal effects are significantly smaller in KGW. This along with the high damage threshold make the crystal an excellent candidate for power scaling. Comparing Ba(NO3)2 and KGW for Raman application Ba(NO3)2 are more effective in case of ns pulses and KGW – in case of ps pulses.