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Thin AgGaS2 Crystals for DFG

Thin AgGaS2 Crystals for DFG

BBAR coating, a multilayer dielectric antireflection coating, is designed to minimise dispersion of ultrashort pulses and also features high damage threshold.

from 1947 $
delivery Estimated delivery time: 4 - 5 days
Code Size θ φ Coating Application Price Delivery Add to cart
AGS-401H 5x5x1 mm 39° 45° BBAR/BBAR@1.1-2.6/2.6-11 μm DFG@1.2-2.4 μm->2.4-11 μm 1947 $ 4 - 5 days
AGS-402H 6x6x2 mm 50° BBAR/BBAR@1.1-2.6/2.6-11 μm DFG@1.2-2.4 μm->2.4-11 μm 2613 $ Request
AGS-404H 5x5x0.4 mm 39° 45° BBAR/BBAR @ 1.1-2.6 / 2.6-11 μm DFG@1.2-2.4 μm->2.4-11 μm 2244 $ Request
AGS-801H 8x8x0.4 mm 39° 45° BBAR/BBAR@1.1-2.6/2.6-11 μm DFG@1.2-2.4 μm->2.4-11 μm 4488 $ Request
AGS-802H 8x8x1 mm 39° 45° BBAR/BBAR@1.1-2.6/2.6-11 μm DFG@1.2-2.4 μm->2.4-11 μm 4037 $ Request
AgGaS2 crystals are provided mounted into 25.4 mm diameter ring holder.


λ/6 @ 633 nm


< 20 arcsec


< 10 arcmin

Angle tolerance

< 30 arcmin

Aperture tolerance

± 0.1 mm

Surface quality

10-5 scratch & dig (MIL-PRF-13830B)

Clear aperture

>90% of full aperture

EKSMA Optics Femtoline AgGaS2 Crystals
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AgGaS2 (AGS) infrared crystal is transparent from 0.53 µm to 12 µm. Thin AgGaS2 (AGS) crystal plates are popular for ultrashort pulse generation in mid IR range by difference frequency generation employing NIR wavelength pulses.


Thin AGS crystal plates are provided with BBAR coating. It is a multilayer dielectric antireflection coating made at specified wavelength range. Standard coating is designed to reduce reflection losses at input side over 1.1-1.2 micron range and output side over 2.6-11 micron range.


BBAR coating is designed to minimise dispersion of ultrashort pulses and also features high damage threshold. Typical reflection values are R<0.5% in the mid range, and up to reflection values of uncoated crystal at the edges of given range.