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Anti-Reflective Coatings

Anti-Reflective Coatings

These multilayer anti-reflective coatings are designed to reduce the reflectivity of a component to near-zero for one very specific wavelength.

from 39 $
delivery Estimated delivery time: 8 - 9 weeks
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Laser Line Anti-Reflection Coatings
Code Substrate Size Wavelength R, % (AOI=0°) LIDT Price Delivery Add to cart
AR266 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 266 nm R<0.4% 2 J/cm² 60 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR266HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 266 nm R<0.2% 3.5 J/cm² 149 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR343 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 333-353 nm R<0.5% 3 J/cm² 39 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR343HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 333-353 nm R<0.2% 4 J/cm² 149 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR355 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 355 nm R<0.25% 4 J/cm² 39 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR355HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 355 nm R<0.2% 4 J/cm² 149 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR400 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 380-420 nm R<0.5% 3 J/cm² 39 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR400HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 380-420 nm R<0.2% 4 J/cm² 116 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR515 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 500-530 nm R<0.3% 5 J/cm² 39 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR515HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 500-530 nm R<0.1% 7 J/cm² 116 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR532 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 532 nm R<0.2% 5 J/cm² 39 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR532HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 532 nm R<0.1% 7 J/cm² 116 $ Request
AR800 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 760-840 nm R<0.4% 8 J/cm² 46 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR800HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 760-840 nm R<0.1% 10 J/cm² 116 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR1030 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 1000-1060 nm R<0.3% 10 J/cm² 39 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR1030HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 1000-1060 nm R<0.1% 15 J/cm² 116 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR1064 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 1064 nm R<0.2% 15 J/cm² 39 $ Request
AR1064HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 1064 nm R<0.1% 15 J/cm² 116 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR1550HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 1530-1570 nm R<0.1% 10 J/cm² 116 $ 8 - 9 weeks
AR1550HHT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 1530-1570 nm R<0.01% 10 J/cm² 171 $ 8 - 9 weeks
Dual Band Anti-Reflection Coatings
Code Substrate Size Wavelength R, % (AOI=0°) LIDT Price Delivery Add to cart
ARD515 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 343+515 nm R<0.5% 2 J/cm² 60 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARD532 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 355+532 nm R<0.5% 2 J/cm² 60 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARD800HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 400+800 nm R<0.2% 4 J/cm² 138 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARD1030 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 515+1030 nm R<0.5% 4 J/cm² 46 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARD1030HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 515+1030 nm R<0.1% 10 J/cm² 127 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARD1064 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 532+1064 nm R<0.5% 4 J/cm² 46 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARD1064HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 532+1064 nm R<0.1% 10 J/cm² 127 $ 8 - 9 weeks
Broadband Anti-Reflection Coatings
Code Substrate Size Wavelength R, % (AOI=0°) LIDT Price Delivery Add to cart
ARB300 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 210-400 nm R<2% 1 J/cm² 93 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARB550 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 400-700 nm R<0.9% 2 J/cm² 74 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARB625 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 350-900 nm R<1.5% 2 J/cm² 79 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARB800 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 700-900 nm R<0.5% 3 J/cm² 66 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARB800HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 700-900 nm R<0.1% 5 J/cm² 127 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARB825 ≤ ø 25.4 mm 650-1100 nm R<0.7% 3 J/cm² 80 $ 8 - 9 weeks
ARB1000HT ≤ ø 25.4 mm 900-1100 nm R<0.1% 5 J/cm² 127 $ 8 - 9 weeks


Laser Line AR coatings

Coating number
Wavelength, Reflectivity, % Damage
AOI=0° AOI=45° nm AOI=0° AOI=45° threshold
3005-i0 3005-i45 193 < 1.0 <2.0 1 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3007-i0 3007-i45 248 < 0.8 <1.5 1.5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3009-i0 3009-i45 266 < 0.4 <1.0 1.5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3011-i0 3011-i45 308 <0.3 <0.6 1.5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3014-i0 3014-i45 343 <0.25 <0.5 2 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3015-i0 3015-i45 351-355 < 0.25 <0.5 2 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3017-i0 3017-i45 400 < 0.25 <0.5 2 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3021-i0 3021-i45 488-514 < 0.3 <0.5 2 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3023-i0 3023-i45 515 < 0.2 <0.5 4 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3025-i0 3025-i45 532 < 0.2 <0.5 4 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3027-i0 3027-i45 633-650 < 0.25 <0.5 4 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3031-i0 3031-i45 780 < 0.2 <0.5 5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3033-i0 3033-i45 800 < 0.2 <0.5 5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3035-i0 3035-i45 850 < 0.2 <0.5 5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3036-i0 3036-i45 1030 < 0.2 <0.5 5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3037-i0 3037-i45 1064 < 0.2 <0.5 5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3041-i0 3041-i45 1320 <0.3 <0.5 5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3045-i0 3045-i45 1547 <0.5 <1.0 4 J/cm2 in 10 ns

Contact us for other wavelengths and AOI's values.

Dual Band AR Coatings

Coating number
Wavelength, nm Reflectivity, %
AOI=0° AOI=45°   AOI=0° AOI=45° threshold
3106-i0 3106-i45 266 + 532 <0.5 <1.0 1.5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3110-i0 3110-i45 355 + 532 <0.5 <1.0 2 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3114-i0 3114-i45 355 + 1064 <0.5 <1.0 2 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3118-i0 3118-i45 400 + 800 <0.5 <1.0 3 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3121-i0 3121-i45  515 + 1030 <0.5 <1.0 4 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3122-i0 3122-i45 532 + 1064 <0.5 <1.0 4 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3126-i0 3126-i45 670 + 1064 <0.5 <1.0 4 J/cm2 in 10 ns
808 + 1064 <0.5 <1.0 4 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3130-i0 3130-i45 1064 +1320 <0.5 <1.0 4 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3134-i0 3134-i45 1064 +1570 <0.5 <1.0 3 J/cm2 in 10 ns

Contact us for other wavelengths and AOI's values.

Broad Band AR Coatings

Broad band anti-reflection BBAR coatings are designed for reducing the reflectivity of a component to near-zero for specific range of the wavelength. Therefore light is efficiently transferred through complex optical systems rather than being lost to glare and scatter. Our AR coatings are intended for use at normal incidence, and when used in this way will achieve maximum efficiency transmission.

Coating number Wavelength, nm
Reflectivity, %
AOI=0° AOI=45°   AOI=0° AOI=45° threshold
3205-i0 3205-i45 210-400 <2 <3 1.5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3207-i0 3207-i45 250-350 <1.2 <2.5 1.5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3209-i0 3209-i45 300-400 <1.0 <2.0 1.5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3211-i0 3211-i45 350-500 <0.8 <1.6 2.0 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3213-i0 3213-i45 350-900 <1.5 <3.0 2.0 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3215-i0 3215-i45 400-550 <0.4 <0.8 2.5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3217-i0 3217-i45 400-700 <0.9 <1.8 3.0 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3219-i0 3219-i45 420-680 <0.5 <1.0 3.0 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3221-i0 3221-i45 450-750 <0.5 <1.0 3.0 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3223-i0 3223-i45 500-800 <0.6 <1.2 3.0 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3224-i0 3224-i45 500-1000 <1.5 <3.0 3.0 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3225-i0 3225-i45 600-900 <0.5 <1.0 3.0 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3227-i0 3227-i45 750-900 <0.5 <1.0 3.0 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3229-i0 3229-i45 800-1200 <0.7 <1.4 2.5 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3231-i0 3231-i45 1000-1400 <0.7 <1.4 2.0 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3232-i0 3232-i45 1050-1700 <1  <1.5 2.0 J/cmin 10 ns
3233-i0 3233-i45 1300-1700 <0.7 <1.4 2.0 J/cm2 in 10 ns
3235-i0 3235-i45 1500-2000 <0.7 <1.4 1.5 J/cm2 in 10 ns

 Contact us for other wavelengths and AOI's values.

EKSMA Optics Anti-Reflection Coatings
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These multilayer anti-reflective coatings are designed to reduce the reflectivity of a component to near-zero for one very specific wavelength. Therefore valuable laser energy is efficiently transferred through complex optical systems rather than being lost to glare and scatter. Our anti-reflective (AR) coatings are intended for use at normal incidence, and when used in this way will achieve maximum efficiency transmission.