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Potassium Titanyl Phosphate – KTP Crystals

Potassium Titanyl Phosphate – KTP Crystals

KTP (KTiOPO4) is a nonlinear optical crystal, which possesses excellent nonlinear, electrooptical and acoustooptical properties.

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SHG @ 1064 nm, Type 2 Application
Code W, mm H, mm L, mm θ φ Coating Price Delivery Add to cart
KTP-401 3 3 5 90 23.5 AR/AR@1064+532 nm 123 $ Request
KTP-402 3 3 10 90 23.5 AR/AR@1064+532 nm 183 $ 4 - 5 days
KTP-403 4 4 6 90 23.5 AR/AR@1064+532 nm 187 $ Request
KTP-404 7 7 9 90 23.5 AR/AR@1064+532 nm 842 $ Request
Non Standard Crystals - SHG @ 1064 nm, Type 2 Application
Code W, mm H, mm L, mm θ φ Coating Price Delivery Add to cart
KTP-1030-02 4.5 4.5 9 90 23.5 AR/AR@1064+532 nm 590 $ Request
X-cut for eye safe generation by OPO @ 1064 nm -> 1570 nm + 3300 nm
Code W, mm H, mm L, mm θ φ Coating Price Delivery Add to cart
KTP-405 5 5 20 90 - AR/AR@1064+1570+3300 nm 908 $ 3 - 5 days


Flatness λ/8 @ 633 nm
Parallelism < 20 arcsec
Perpendicularity < 5 arcmin
Angle tolerance < 30 arcmin
Aperture tolerance ± 0.1 mm
Surface quality 10/5 scratch & dig per MIL-O-13830A
Clear aperture 90% of full aperture


Crystal structure orthorhombic
Point group mm2
Space group Pna21
Lattice constants, Å  a = 6.404, b = 10.616, c = 12.814, z = 8
Density, g/cm3 3.01
Melting point, °C 1172
Transition temperature, °C 936
Mohs hardness 5
Thermal expansion coefficients, °C-1 ax = 11×10-6, ay = 9×10-6, az = 0.6×10-6
Thermal conductivity, W/m*K 13
Not hygroscopic  


Transparency 350–4400 nm
Refractive indices at 1064 nm at 532 nm
  nx = 1.7404 nx = 1.7797
  ny = 1.7479 ny = 1.7897
  nz = 1.8296 nz = 1.8877
Thermooptic coefficients in 0.4 – 1.0 μm range ∂nx/∂T = 1.1×10-5 (K)-1
  ∂ny/∂T = 1.3×10-5 (K)-1
  ∂nz/∂T = 1.6×10-5 (K)-1
Wavelength dispersion of refractive indices nx2=3.0067+0.0395/(λ2-0.04251)-0.01247*λ2
  nz2 =3.3134+0.05694/(λ2-0.05941)-0.016713*λ2


Phase matching range for: 
Type 2 SHG in x-y plane  0.99÷1.08 μm
Type 2 SHG in x-z plane 1.1÷3.4 μm
Type 2, SHG@1064 nm, cut angle θ=90°, φ=23.5°
            Walk-off 4 mrad
            Angular acceptances Δθ = 55 mrad * cm
Δφ = 10 mrad * cm
            Thermal acceptance ΔT = 22 K * cm
            Spectral acceptance Δν = 0.56 nm * cm
Up to 80% extracavity SHG efficiency  
Effective nonlinearity  
x-y plane deoe = doee = d15sin2φ + d24cos2φ
x-z plane doeo = deoo = d24sinθ
  d31= ± 1.95 pm/V d32=± 3.9 pm/V
  d33= ± 15.3 pm/V d24= d32 d15= d31
Damage threshold >500 MW/cm2
for pulses λ=1064 nm, τ=10 ns, 10 Hz, TEM00
EKSMA Optics KTP Crystals
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KTP (Potassium titanyl phosphate) is a nonlinear crystal mostly used in extracavity configuration when a single pass through the crystal is required.


KTP crystals are optimized for SHG intracavity configuration in low peak power CW lasers. Due to the large number of passes through the crystal, low insertion losses and high homogeneity are essential for conversion efficiency. We select the highest quality material by SHG efficiency mapping of each crystal. Fine surface polishing and dual band AR coatings with very low losses allow EKSMA Optics to produce KTP crystals suitable for intracavity SHG application.